áNo remote folder specified. The gallery files will be uploaded to the default folder on your web server. Are you sure you don't want to specify a remote folder?&Server connection tested successfully.FTP server test failed:
%s@Cannot empty target folder if target and source folder are same.dAre you sure you want to send all files and subfolders in the target folder "%s" to the recycle bin?'Set %s as Windows background wallpaper?>Cannot create a new folder. Unable to find the current folder.╚Percentages (%) in the image height only work if no titles are selected. It is very strongly recommended not to use percentages in the image height. Are you sure you want to use % in the image height?aThis evaluation version has expired. Please, register to keep using Arles Image Web Page Creator.fImage logo is larger than the image "%s" and might fully cover it.
Do you still want to add the logo?)Are you sure you want to rename %d files?*Cannot rename %s. The file does not exist.(The template file %s could not be found.MediaPlayer9MediaPlayer8 XPTaskBar